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The bow is primarily a hunting weapon, consisting of a flexible wooden shaft on which a string, most often made of sinew or thong, is stretched and attached at both ends. The bow is used to fire arrows, propelled by the tension and release of the string. Bow and arrow making, like archery, require practice and precision.

Algonquian peoples use the bow for many purposes, namely the hunting of game. One would pick a smaller or a larger bow depending on the type of game being hunted. The bow can also be used for fishing, or as a weapon during battles between nations. They are kept in a leather case, and arrows in a quiver. Materials for repairing and maintaining bows and arrows are also carried.


Date: 20th century

Origin: Province of Québec

Owner: Site Traditionnel Huron Onhoüa Chetek8e. Wendake.


Laberge, M. (1996). Création d’une nouvelle iconographie sur les algonquiens du Nord-Est de l’Amérique à partir de données ethno-historiques datant d’avant 1760 [The creation of a new iconography of the Algonquians of North-East America using pre-1760 ethno-historical data] [Doctoral dissertation, Université Laval]. CorpusUL. https://corpus.ulaval.ca/bitstreams/ad9a212e-0edb-496f-abf3-1ab25c05f6b3/download

Illustration: Bow