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Société rimouskoise du patrimoineImages de drone haute précisionCube NoirL'ALT Numérique DesjardinsDigital Museums Canada


This elongated, funnel-shaped wood basket is called a creel, or fish trap, and is set at the bottom of the water to catch fish.

To use it, stone barriers are built in the riverbed, perpendicular to the shoreline. The fish swim up this path, following the current. Once the fish enter the creel, they are trapped. They are then collected, and the creels are put back in place until the next harvest.


Origin: Digital 3D drawing


Gouvernement du Québec. (n.d.). Nasse [Creel]. Répertoire du patrimoine culturel du Québec. Retrieved October 3, 2022, from https://www.patrimoine-culturel.gouv.qc.ca/rpcq/detail.do?methode=consulter&id=213416&type=bien

Illustration: Creel