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Wicker basket

Wicker baskets, often made from ash splints, are fitted with lids and handles. They are used to store and transport goods.

Making ash splints is normally the men’s task, as they pound the tree trunks with the back of an axe to separate the growth rings. These strips of wood are then split and smoothed to make them supple and ready for weaving. The women make baskets of all kinds for a variety of purposes.


Date: Unknown

Origin: North America

Owner: Hôtel-Musée Premières Nations. Wendake.


Digital Museums of Canada (n.d.). La vannerie abénakise: d’hier à aujourd’hui [Abenaki wicker-work: from yesterday to today]. Musée des Abénakis. Retrieved from https://www.histoiresdecheznous.ca/v1/pm_v2.php?id=story_line&lg=Francais&fl=0&ex=804&sl=8886&pos=1

McBride, B., & Prins, H. E. L. (1990). Indians in Eden: Wabanakis and Rusticators on Maine’s Mount Desert Island, 1840s–1920s. DownEast Books.

McBride, B., & Prins, H. E. L. (1990). Our lives in our hands: Micmac Indian basketmakers. Nimbus.

Illustration: Wicker basket