This ceramic bowl is an example of what is called Portneuf Pottery. The bowl is white and decorated with red and blue flowers. The decorations are produced with a sponge and feature animal and plant motifs, giving it a rustic look. Portneuf pottery was popular in the second half of the 19th century among the bourgeoisie.
Made in Europe, more specifically in Scotland, this ceramic is often copied by local makers because of its popularity. Its name comes from the fact that it is found in large quantities in the Portneuf region. In Scotland, this type of bowl is used specifically for eating porridge, while in Quebec, it is used for eating food in general.
Date: 1830–1930
Origin: Europe
Owner: Site historique de la maison Lamontagne.
McCord Stewart Museum (n.d.). Bowl. Portneuf pottery. Retrieved September 14, 2022, from
Canadian Museum of History. (n.d.). Hearth and Soul; Quebec Folk Art. Virtual exhibition. Retrieved September 14, 2022 from