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Pincers are large tongs that are used to move metal pieces between the forge fire and the anvil. They are also used to secure them while they are being hammered. There are many different types of pliers with different grips depending on the shape and weight of the object being made or repaired. Pincers are usually long, which helps to keep some distance between the smith and the hot metal. Blacksmithing tools are often made by the blacksmith themselves.

The blacksmith makes items on demand and does not keep an inventory. Customers pay with money, but also occasionally with farm or forest goods.


Date: 1850–1950

Origin: North America

Owner: Forge Saint-Laurent. Saint-Anaclet-de-Lessard.


Dupont, J.-C. (1979). L’artisan forgeron [The craft smith]. Presses de l’Université Laval; Éditeur Officiel du Québec.

Dupont, J.-C. (2006, February 6). Blacksmithing. In The Canadian Encyclopedia. Retrieved July 22, 2022, from https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/blacksmithing

Bérubé, A., Durand, F., Ruddell, T., & St-Pierre, S. (1975). Le forgeron de campagne: un inventaire d’outils [The rural smith: a tool inventory] (Collection Mercure: Division de l’histoire, vol. 12). Musée national de l’Homme.

Illustration: Pincers