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Altar bells

Composed of three to four bells and decorated with acanthus leaves, this object is used in Christian masses. At the key moment of the Eucharist, when the priest raises the host and wine, the tinkling of the bells, operated by a server, attracts the attention of the faithful, who are invited to kneel and bow. According to the rites of the Roman Catholic Church, the bells have an important spiritual power.


Date: 1869–1950

Origin: North America

Owner: Fabrique de la paroisse Saint-Donat. Saint-Donat.


Bégin, É. (with Mendel, M.). (n.d.). Le rôle du servant de messe [The role of the mass’ server]. L’inventaire du patrimoine immatériel religieux du Québec (IPIR). Retrieved July 25, 2022, from http://www.ipir.ulaval.ca/fiche.php?id=123

Hardouin-Fugier, É., & Berthod, B. (2006). Dictionnaire des objets de dévotion dans l’Europe Catholique [Dictionary of devotional items in Catholic Europe]. Édition de l’Amateur.

Illustration: Altar bells