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Collection basket

The collection basket is a container used to collect donations during a religious service. They are usually made of wicker or woven ash. Their long handle allows the server to get closer to the congregation seated farther back in the pews.

Most of the money collected is used by the parishes for living expenses such as heating, staff salaries, activities, or the purchase of items for ceremonies. Each year, it is a duty for Catholic believers to tithe to the church. The tithe should correspond to a deduction of one tenth of their income. However, this rate has always varied in time and space. In Quebec, at the time of New France, it was set at 1/26 of the grains produced by the farmers. In the 19th century, as the agricultural population gradually decreases, the Church introduces new taxes, including capitation, to increase its revenues.

Generally located in the heart of the village, the church is a gathering place for the community and is part of its daily life. Apart from worship, the church also hosts pastoral and community life activities in its non-consecrated spaces such as the basement.


Date: 1869–1950

Origin: North America

Owner: Fabrique de la paroisse Saint-Donat. Saint-Donat.


Roy, J. (2001). La dîme comme prélèvement ecclésiastique [The tithe as a taxation method by the church]. In S. Courville & N. Séguin (eds.), Atlas historique du Québec (pp. 176–189). Presses de l’Université Laval.

Illustration: Collection basket