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Water pump

This water pump, known as a “hand pump”, allows water to rise from a well through suction. The pump can be placed inside the house or outdoors. It is convenient since it facilitates access to drinking water.

By moving the handle up and down, a suction effect, created by a piston, causes a pressure difference between the water levels in the pipe and inside the pump. The water is forced to rise and a valve prevents it from going back down.

In cities, where access to wells is limited, people rely on the services of water carriers or go to public fountains to get water. The water system begins to develop in the province of Quebec in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.


Date: 1850–1950

Origin: North America

Owner: Magasin général historique authentique 1928. Percé.


Lauzon, G. (2020). Eau courante, toilettes à eau et dernières latrines à Montréal, 1856–1915 [Running water, water closets, and the last latrines of Montreal, 1856–1915]. Revue d’histoire de l’Amérique française, 73(4), 7–33. https://doi.org/10.7202/1071204ar

Pompes direct. (n.d.). Les pompes manuelles [Hand pumps]. Retrieved July 27, 2022, from https://www.pompes-direct.com/pompe-surface/manuelle/index.html

Illustration: Water pump